John Chaplick

John P. Chaplick is a retired CPA and a graduate of both Wesleyan University (BA) and the University of Michigan (MBA). He has turned his business experience in the analysis of fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering into a writing career specializing in action-adventure novels that draw on his expertise.
In December of the Dark Sun, Chaplick achieves a long sought-after objective…to draw an ordinary protagonist, Duncan Evans, into an apocalyptic event that changes his life. Duncan’s struggles fail to make him the hero of his fantasies, thereby leaving him both sympathetic and credible in the eyes of the reader.
The story offers a fascinating new dimension to the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack. Though much has been written about about it, December of the Dark Sun answers the question: could it have been predicted? Chaplick fills the information gap with an intriguing adventure and an unforgettable reading experience.